Ten Tips To Take The Best Boomerangs Ever, From OutSnapped

by Nicholas Rhodes
Last Updated on August 25, 2023

Boomerangs are all the rage on Instagram. But what exactly is a Boomerang?

Quite simply, a Boomerang is a short looping video of varying speeds! Depending on how they are captured, they can go really fast, or really slow. Usually, the video you record to make one is about a second long. Sometimes people try to move for one whole second. Other times, they hold still except for moving very subtly.
Give your selfies a burst of life with our 10 tips guide on how to take epic looping Boomerangs in the OutSnapped Photo Booth. Lights, Camera, OUTSNAPPED! 

1. Stand close enough that the Beautifying Ring Light gives you a gorgeous glow!

2. Try moving really fast, and really slow. Plan ahead with OutSnapped to enable special features like slow motion.

3. Experiment with smooth, continuous motions from side to side, or spinning around, something which will create a back and forth cycle.

4. Go for the wink or blow your special someone a kiss!

5. Use augmented reality/digital props to take advantage of fun movement effects.

6. If your booth has a green screen, choose an awesome ~moving background~ for an even more exciting effect.

7. Don’t be afraid to try whatever you want, because there are unlimited captures with OutSnapped Photo Experiences.

8. Be sure to share each and every Boomerang on Instagram. It’s super easy! All you do is email the boomerang to yourself from the OutSnapped Photo Booth.

9. Cut & Paste the event’s #awesomehashtag to ensure everyone who looks at the photos from last night sees yours. There may even be a caption included too — everyone hates writing those, right?
BONUS SOCIAL MEDIA PRO TIP: Interact with other event-goers using the same hashtag to boost engagement on your own boomie!
Instagram screencapture of a woman in pink inside a photo booth

10. Don’t forget to check out all of the Boomerangs (and GIFs, and photos too) from the event at the mini-site the next day!

Thanks for checking out our tips for how to take the #bestboomerangever. Be sure to forward it to any friends you think need a refresher on how to get epic! Please share your boomerang tips in the comments below.
And, as always, we’d love to see you IRL soon!
  -xoxo, Team OutSnapped

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